Smart Justice: A Path Forward
The pendulum has swung too far toward mass incarceration, handcuffing judicial discretion, and one-size-fits-all harsh sentencing policies that just DON’T work! Current sentencing practices in Arizona focus exclusively on retribution, with little to no thought or opportunity for rehabilitation and redemption, regardless of offense.
We only indict ourselves when we continue the prosecutorial and sentencing practice of crucifying everyone that makes us afraid or angry. And we only brand ourselves when we shamefully burn into the flesh of others labels like “convicts,” “criminals,” “felons,” and “offenders.”
People make mistakes. Some more public than others. We all deserve the opportunity to become more than the sum of our mistakes.
The nets of retributive justice are wide, barbed, and often arbitrary, and can easily turn captors into captives with only subtle changes in the political and social climate of the day.
When we make criminal allegations and hand down judgments, we would be wise not to do so from a place of self-righteousness, fear, and anger, but always with humility, and tempered with mercy. The same mercy we pray for when we are ensnared.
It is good to support smart justice reform that creates fairness and proportionality in sentencing, restores hope to the incarcerated, provides opportunities for successful reintegration with family, and truly heals communities. They are not “those” people. They are us! Smart justice reform not only gives our formerly incarcerated a way forward, it frees us all to elevate to the best versions of ourselves.
A Response to:
How one lawmaker is stopping bills that could change sentencing, punishment in Arizona